books by author
William G.

Oceanography and Seamanship

Portsmouth in the Past (Local History)

Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics

Mechanisms of Cracking and Debonding in Asphalt and Composite Pavements: State-of-the-Art of the RILEM TC 241-MCD: 28 (RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, 28)

Business Research Methods


Textbook of Oral Pathology

Neurobiology of the Trace Amines: Analytical, Physiological, Pharmacological, Behavioral, and Clinical Aspects: 37 (Polymer Science and Technology Series, 37)

Handbook of Engineering Mathematics

The Economics of Industrial Organization

The Protestant Revolution: From Martin Luther to Martin Luther King Jr.

Team Building: Issues and Alternatives (Addison-Wesley Series on Organization Development)

Infectious Diseases: Expert Consult: Online and Print - 2 Volume Set (Infectious Diseases (Armstrong/ Mosby))

Basic Statistics for Business and Economics (COLLEGE IE OVERRUNS)

Understanding American Politics and Government (Paperback) Plus MyPoliSciLab with eText -- Access Card Package

Statistics for Experimenters: Design, Innovation, and Discovery: 559 (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)

The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage

Philosophy of Language: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy)

Business Research Methods (The Dryden Press Series in Management)

Business Research Methods

Statistical techniques in Business and Economics

Understanding Business (McGraw-Hill International Editions Series)

Theory Z Corporations: How American Business Benefits from Japanese Management Models

America's New Democracy (Penguin Academics)

Japan Encounters the Barbarian: Japanese Travellers in America and Europe

The Yeast Connection: A Medical Breakthrough

Indoor and Outdoor Games (Fearon Teacher-Aid Book)

Experimental Designs

Canine Ophthalmology