books by author
William J.

Virtue and Knowledge: Introduction to Ancient Greek Ethics

ECGs for the Emergency Physician 1: Level 1

24 Essential Lessons for Investment Success: Learn the Most Important Investment Techniques from the Founder of Investor's Business Daily (PERSONAL FINANCE & INVESTMENT)

How to Make Money Selling Stocks Short (Wiley Trading)

The Successful Investor: What 80 Million People Need to Know to Invest Profitably and Avoid Big Losses (PERSONAL FINANCE & INVESTMENT)


Designing Resistance Training Programmes

Strength Training for Sport (Olympic Handbook of Sports Medicine)

Statistical Methods

Principles of Human Physiology: International Edition (Pie)

East End, 1888

Introduction to the Scots Law of Delict

A Short And Easy Primer On The Asset Management Industry: The Bigger Picture - Learn How The Industry Works In Practice: 1

Human Rights in the Global Information Society (Information Revolution and Global Politics)

A New Look at the Sacraments

Human Embryology

Kate: The Woman Who Was Katharine Hepburn

Particles and Fields: Readings from "Scientific American"

The Penguin Guide to Ancient Egypt (A Penguin Handbook)

Principles of Human Physiology

Career Planning and Succession Management: Developing Your Organization's Talent--For Today and Tomorrow

Economics: Principles and Policy (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich international edition)

Natural Hazard Mitigation Policy: Implementation, Organizational Choice, and Contextual Dynamics (Environmental Hazards)

Handbook of Drug Abuse Prevention (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research)

Rasch Analysis in the Human Sciences

Data Mining Applications Using Artificial Adaptive Systems

An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion

Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings

Colour Atlas of Veterinary Histology