books by author
William L.
Philosophers Speak of God
The Faber Book of America
The Best Alternative Medicine
Sales Management: Concepts and Cases
North Carolina Slave Narratives: The Lives of Moses Roper, Lunsford Lane, Moses Grandy, and Thomas H. Jones (The John Hope Franklin Series in African American History and Culture)
Problem-Oriented Clinical Microbiology and Infection
Seminaries, Theologates, and the Future of Church Ministry: An Analysis of Trends and Transitions (Michael Glazier Books)
Readings in the Management of Innovation
The Metabolic Typing Diet: Customize Your Diet To: Free Yourself from Food Cravings: Achieve Your Ideal Weight; Enjoy High Energy and Robust Health; Prevent and Reverse Disease
Russian Economic Development From Peter the Great to Stalin.
Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings
Traveling the Trans-Canada: From Newfoundland to British Columbia
Treasury of Christmas Music
Gospel of Mark (New London Commentary S.)
Confident and Competent
Atlas of Metabolic Diseases
Physical Activity and Health
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
Rotary Engines of World War One (Aviation Collection)
Statistics for the Social Sciences
The Norton Anthology of African American Literature
This is Berlin: Reporting from Nazi Germany, 1938-40
Modern Control Theory
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
The Case for Mental Imagery: 40 (Oxford Psychology Series)
Irrelevant Elections?: The Quality of Local Democracy in Britain
Philosophers Speak of God (Phoenix Books)