books by author
William Shakespeare
Julius Caesar

The Merchant of Venice

Romeo and Juliet: Cambridge School Shakespeare

The Sonnets: Royal Shakespeare Theatre Edition
The Complete Works Volume III The Tragedies



King Richard III (Dover Thrift Editions)

Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: The Manga Edition

Titus Andronicus

Twelfth Night

As You Like It: A Norton Critical Edition

Macbeth: Annotation Edition

The Tempest
Taming of the Shrew

"Othello" (Arden Shakespeare)

Richard II

Love's Labour's Lost: Third Series

Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story

Twelfth Night, or, What You Will: Modern English Version Side-by-Side with Full Original Text

Romeo and Juliet - Shakespeare Made Easy

The Winter's Tale (The new Penguin Shakespeare)


Oxford School Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice

King Lear (Cambridge School Shakespeare)

Othello (Penguin Popular Classics)

The Complete Works (The Oxford Shakespeare)

Hamlet: Prince of Denmark