books by author

Educating Rita (Longman Study Texts)

In Exile: Essays, Reflections and Letters, 1933-47

Benny Cleans up (Benny the Breakdown Truck S.)

Educating Rita: York Notes for GCSE

The Wrong Boy

Bert Brecht


Claudine A L'ecole

The Eucharist of the Early Christians

Reconciling Law and Morality in Human Rights Discourse: Beyond the Habermasian Account of Human Rights: 3 (Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations, 3)

Classic Jewish Postcards: For All Occasions

Stags and Hens (Methuen Modern Plays) (Modern Classics)

Novel (Educating Rita)

The King of Ireland's Son: An Irish Folk Tale

Bolivia: Imagenes de una travesia aerea (Spanish Edition)

Barbie My Perfect Wardrobe

The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank

After Lacan (Suny Series in Psychoanalysis and Culture): Clinical Practice and the Subject of the Unconscious

Psycho Golf: Winning the Mind Game

Educating Rita

Baby Blue

Denken als Spiel: 111 Intelligenz-Übungen – für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene

Claudine en menage

Les Tuniques bleues, tome 11 : Des Bleus en noir et blanc

Studio Scripts - Our Day Out and Other Plays

Governance, Management and Development: Making the State Work

Shirley Valentine & One for the road (Methuen Modern Plays)

Our Day Out (Young Drama) (Modern Classics)

Blood Brothers - A Musical (Methuen Student Editions)