books by author

Twin Tales

My Brother Bernadette: Red Banana (Banana Books)

Monster Eyeballs (Reading Ladder Level 2)


Halsbury’s Laws of England Centenary Essays 2007

Total English Intermediate Students' Book and DVD Pack

Total English Intermediate Workbook with Key and CD-Rom Pack

Total English Advanced Students Book and DVD Pack

Social Work: An Introduction to Contemporary Practice

FCE Gold Plus Coursebook and CD-ROM Pack

Practical Teaching: A Guide to Teaching in the Education and Training Sector

Speakout Pre-Intermediate Students book and DVD/Active Book Multi Rom Pack

Social Work: An Introduction to Contemporary Practice

AQA GCSE Spanish

Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Football Tactics

Brian Clough: Nobody Ever Says Thank You: The Biography

School-based Research: A Guide for Education Students

Bear's New Friend

Bear Stays Up for Christmas (Bear Books)

Monkey Madness

The Great Kitten Cake Off

I Quit Sugar for Life: Your Fad-free Wholefood Wellness Code and Cookbook

The Puppy Plan (Top of the Pups)

I Quit Sugar: Simplicious

Alexander McQueen

Superstition and Science: Mystics, sceptics, truth-seekers and charlatans

Kilted Yoga: Yoga Laid Bare

Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell

A Girl Called Owl