books by author

The Encyclopedia of Wire Jewellery Techniques: A compendium of step-by-step techniques for making beautiful jewellery

Heredity (All Colour Paperbacks)

Celebration: Celebrating for All God's Family (Family Services Handbook)

Course Book (Welcome to the Lord's Table: A Practical Course for Preparing Children to Receive Holy Communion)

A Biographical Dictionary of Scientists

Lace to Use

Mission-shaped Children: Moving Towards a Child-centered Church (Explorations)

Early Years Songs and Rhymes (Blueprints)

Comparative Animal Physiology

The Encyclopedia of Beading Techniques

How to Fold: Méthodes de pliage, avec CD-ROM (Packaging and Folding)

Wildlife of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda (Traveller’s Guide)

A Tour in Scotland and Voyage to the Hebrides, 1772

The Gifts of Baptism: An Essential Guide for Parents, Sponsors and Leaders

Beautiful Beading: Designs for Handmade Beads, Jewelry, and Decorative Objects

Irrigation: Design and Practice

Hot Water: Bathing and the Contemporary Bathroom

Welcome to the Lord's Table: Activity Book

Welcome to the Lord's Table: Preparing Children for Holy Communion

Illustrated Old English Hexateuch, Cotton Ms. Claudius B.iv, The: The Frontier of Seeing and Reading in Anglo-Saxon England (Studies in Book & Print Culture) (Studies in Book and Print Culture)