books by author

The GP Registrar Survival Guide

Molecular Sieves: Pt. 1 (Advances in Chemistry Series)

Statistics (M & E Handbook Series)

Story of Radio: The World Starts to Listen Pt. 3

Story of Radio: Everyone an Amateur Pt. 2

Story of Radio: How Radio Began Pt. 1

Final Report of Cioms Working Group (International Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions: Final Report of the Cioms Working Group)

Pere Goriot (French literary texts)

The Theory of Protection

Statistics (Handbook Series)

Cost Accounting (v. 1) (Handbook Series)

Cost Accounting (The M&E handbooks series)

Introduction to English Law (OPUS)

Antigone (Modern world literature series)



Survival Kit for the MRCP, Pt.II

Signs of the Unseen: The Discourses of Jalaluddin Rumi

Saliva and Dental Health

Frank Norris - American Writers 68: University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers

Statistics (Handbook Series)

Statistics (Handbook Series)

Cost Accountancy (Handbook Series)

Basic Mathematics (Handbook Series)

Statistics in Small Doses

Studies in Preschool Education (Scottish Council for Research in Education S.)

Trade Policy and Economic Welfare