books by author

The Man with Two Left Feet & Other Stories
Ukridge / Nothing Serious
Laughing Gas / Hot Water
Meet Mr Mulliner / Mr Mulliner Speaking
The Inimitable Jeeves / ring for Jeeves
Right Ho, Jeeves / Carry On, Jeeves
The Code of the Woosters
Leave it to Psmith / Sumer Moonshine
Uncle Fred in the Springtime / Lord Emsworth and others
Uncle Dynamite / Cocktail Time

Right Ho, Jeeves and Other Stories (FRY AND LAURIE TV SERIES COVER)

Piccadilly Jim (Penguin Books)

Laughing Gas

Right Ho, Jeeves (Everyman's Library P G WODEHOUSE)

Pigs Have Wings (Everyman's Library P G WODEHOUSE)

Ukridge (Everyman's Library P G WODEHOUSE)

Mr. Mulliner Speaking (Coronet Books)

Much Obliged, Jeeves

The World Of Psmith: Psmith In The City; Psmith Journalist; Leave It To Psmith

Mike and Psmith

Jeeves in the Offing: (Jeeves & Wooster) (Jeeves & Wooster, 5)

The Girl in Blue

Uncle Fred in the Springtime

The World Of Mr Mulliner: The Mulliner Omnibus: Mr Mulliner Speaking; Meet Mr Mulliner; Mulliner Nigh

Summer Lightning: (Blandings Castle)

The Jeeves Collection: "Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves", "Inimitable Jeeves", "Carry on, Jeeves"

Psmith, Journalist (Everyman Wodehouse)

Barmy in Wonderland (Everyman's Library P G WODEHOUSE)

Jeeves and the Hard-boiled Egg and Other Stories (Bloomsbury Classic Series)