books by author

Performance Cars

The Experience of Unemployment: 21 (Explorations in Sociology)

Longman Commercial Communication Student's Book (Professional English)

The Pristine Culture of Capitalism: A Historical Essay on Old Regimes and Modern States (Verso World History Series)

Nursing Research: Methods, Critical Appraisal and Utilization

Practical Theatre: A Post-16 Approach

In Search of the Trojan War (BBC Books)

The Challenge of the Avant-garde (Art and Its Histories)

As/A - Level: Exam Revision Notes: Nuffield Economics & Business Studies

Dominican Republic Berlitz Pocket Guide (Berlitz Pocket Guides)

Number Parade (A Wildlife Counting Book)

Scaredy Cats (Child's Play library)

Make Your Own Musical Instruments

Britain at War in Colour: Unique Images of Britain in the Second World War

A Year at St. Gargoyle's

Our Best Stories - A Collection of Stories Chosen By Children (Knight Books)

On Your Radio (Introducing Media Studies S.)

Edexcel A Level Maths: Year 1 and 2 Combined Student Book

Faith in Action: Religion, Race, and Democratic Organizing in America (Morality and Society Series)

Joe And the Farm Goose (Picture Stories)

The Empire of Capital

OCR GCSE Religious Studies A: Christianity Student Book

Anatomy for the MRCS (UK)

Netball (My Sport S.)

James Bond, the Spy Who Loved ME

CD-ROM Version (Interfact S.)

Postman Pat's Noisy Book

Ten Little Fish

Doctor (My Job S.)