books by author

Between the Acts (Oxford World's Classics)

Picture this Century

Three Guineas

A Haunted House And Other Stories

A Room of One’s Own (Flamingo Modern Classics)

The Waves (Oxford World's Classics)

Selected Letters

Leanline Cookery

The A to Z of Eating Disorders

Englische Kurzgesschichten

Mrs Dalloway: Virginia Woolf (Penguin Essentials, 22)

Night and Day (Penguin Modern Classics)

Village in the Jungle, The

Vers Le Phare (Folio (Gallimard))

The Voyage Out (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics)

What I Do Not Believe, and Other Essays: 38 (Synthese Library, 38)

Do People Commit Crime? (Why?)

Writing About Literature: Essay and Translation Skills for University Students of English and Foreign Literature (Routledge Study Guides)

Mrs Dalloway (Flamingo Modern Classics)

Orlando (Vintage Classics Woolf Series): Virginia Woolf

UK (World in Focus)

Black Victorians: Hidden in History

The Waves (World's Classics)

To the Lighthouse (Flamingo Modern Classics)

Freshwater: A Comedy

Jacob's Room: Virginia Woolf (Classic, 20th-Century, Penguin)

A Room of One's Own / Three Guineas

Israel (World in Focus)

Flush: A Biography