books by author

Grow Your Own (Spaceship Earth S.)

Backing into the Limelight: Biography of T.E. Lawrence (Harrap paperbacks)

Sunrise to Sunset: An Autobiography of Mary Bertenshaw

Down the Plughole: Explore Your Plumbing (Spaceship Earth S.)

All at Sea: Be an Ocean Expert (Spaceship Earth S.)

Qualitative Research in Psychology: Expanding Perspectives in Methodology and Design

Down the Plughole: Explore Your Plumbing (Spaceship Earth S.)

Mighty Microbes!: Get to Know Your Germs (Spaceship Earth S.)

Who Next...?: A Guide to Children's Authors

Analytic Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)

Give Me Air: Take in the Earth's Atmosphere (Spaceship Earth S.)

Reaching Out (Young Children's Learning S.)

John Yardley: A Personal View- Watercolour (Atelier S.)

Get Switched on! (Spaceship Earth S.)

Introduction to English Law (OPUS)

Introduction to British Constitutional Law

A New Model Army

Careers in Computing and Information Technology (Kogan Page Careers in S.)

An Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology (Longman Earth Science Series)

Painting Ruby Tuesday