books by author
Who do We Think We Are?: Imagining the New Britain
Solution Focused Thinking in Schools: Behaviour, Reading and Organisation
Simple Steps to Building Successful Cosmetic Practices
Women, War, and the Making of Bangladesh: Remembering 1971
The Great Partition: The Making of India and Pakistan, New Edition
Zaitoun: Recipes and Stories from the Palestinian Kitchen
After Multicuturalism
I Can Say Bismillah Anywhere! (I Can (Islamic Foundation))
The Great Partition: The Making of India and Pakistan
Not So Silent!: Profiles of Successful Asian Women
No Place Like Home
The Settler's Cookbook: A Memoir of Love, Migration and Food
Mr Tash: (Orange Early Reader) (Early Reader Orange)
The Making Of Mr Hai's Daughter: Memoirs of his Daughter
Reclaim Your Heart: Personal Insights on breaking free from life's shackles