books by author

Introduction to the Theory of Statistics

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders: Concepts and Therapy: 40 (Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology)

Oxford Practice Grammar: Advanced: with Key Practice-Boost CD-ROM Pack

Behavioural Phenotypes: 138 (Clinics in Developmental Medicine (Mac Keith Press))

Best Way to Walk: Chic Murray Story

Sean Connery: Neither Shaken Nor Stirred: Sean Connery Story

AQA A2 Law Student Unit Guide New Edition: Unit 3 Criminal Law (Offences Against the Person) and Contract Law

AQA A2 Law Student Unit Guide New Edition: Unit 4 (Sections A & B) Criminal Law (Offences Against Property) and Law of Tort

AQA AS Law Student Unit Guide New Edition: Unit 2 The Concept of Liability (Aqa As Law Unit 2)

Focus on the Language Learner (Oxford Applied Linguistics)

The Study of Language

AQA AS Law Textbook

My Revision Notes: AQA AS Law

Al Pacino: A Life On The Wire

David Puttnam: The Story So Far

Concise Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology

Hobson-Jobson: A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases and of Kindred Terms, Etymological, Historical, Geographical and Discursive

The Study of Language

The Study of Language

The Study of Language

Teaching Talk: Strategies for Production and Assessment

The Study of Language