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Dictionaries & Learning Languages

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Stylistique comparee du francais et de l'anglais

By J P Vinay, Jean Darbelnet

Parsing below the Segment in a Constraint-Based Framework

By Cheryl Zoll (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Syllables and Segments

By Alan Bell, Joan B. Hooper

Structure of Phonological Representation, Part 1

By Van Der Hulst, Harry

Autosegmental and Metrical Phonology

By John Goldsmith

The Handbook of Phonological Theory

By John A. Goldsmith

Transformational Grammar as a Theory of Language Acquisition: A Study in the Empirical Conceptual and Methodological Foundations of Contemporary Linguistics

By Bruce L. Derwing

Accent and Rhythm: Prosodic Features of Latin and Greek: A Study in Theory and Reconstruction

By W. Sidney Allen (University of Cambridge)

English Phonology and Phonological Theory: Synchronic and Diachronic Studies (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics)

By Lass, Roger

Accents of English I: An Introduction: 01

By Wells, J. C.

The Generative Interpretation of Dialect: A Study of Modern Greek Phonology

By Brian Newton

The Social Differentiation of English in Norwich

By Peter Trudgill

Language Structure and Translation

By Eugene A. Nida

Variation in German: A Critical Approach to German Sociolinguistics

By Stephen Barbour (Middlesex University, London), Patrick Stevenson (University of Southampton)

Frontiers of Phonology: Atoms, Structures and Derivations (Longman Linguistics Library)

By Durand, Jacques, Katamba, Francis

Phonological Knowledge: Conceptual and Empirical Issues

By Noel Burton-Roberts (Professor of English Language and Linguistics, Professor of English Language and Linguistics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne), Philip Carr (Professor of English, Professor of English, University of Montpellier, France), Gerard D...

Quips and Quotes

By Mackenzie, E.C.

Pocket Dictionary: French/English Dictionary


Eyewitness Travel Phrase Book: French (Eyewitness Travel Guides Phrase Books)


Medical Dictionary

By J.L. Stedman, William R. Hensley, Harriet Felscher

Usborne Guide to German : Simple phrases and how to say them (Usborne Guides)

By Eckhardt, P., Müller, H., McEwan, Joseph

Italian-English, English-Italian Dictionary

By rebora, Piero, etc.

French Phrase Book

By Swinglehurst, Edmund

German-English, English-German Dictionary (Gem Dictionaries)

By Clark, J.M.

Neil Young

Diktatur der Gutmenschen: Was Sie sich nicht gefallen lassen dürfen, wenn Sie etwas bewegen wollen

Das Ende des großen Fressens: Wie die Nahrungsmittelindustrie Sie zu übermäßigem Essen verleitet und was Sie dagegen tun können

By Kessler, David, Brodersen, Imke

Süchtig nach Süßem?: So schaffen Sie den Ausstieg aus der Zuckersucht

By Jochims, Inke

Kritik des Okzidentalismus: Transdisziplinäre Beiträge zu (Neo-)Orientalismus und Geschlecht

By Dietze, Gabriele, Brunner, Claudia, Wenzel, Edith

Concise Oxford Thesaurus

By Oxford Languages