books by collection
Dictionaries & Learning Languages

Dictionary of Labour Biography: Volume XI

Functional Grammar in the ESL Classroom: Noticing, Exploring and Practicing

Language and Empiricism - After the Vienna Circle

Multimodality and Genre: A Foundation for the Systematic Analysis of Multimodal Documents

Authorial Stance in Research Articles: Examples from Applied Linguistics and Educational Technology

Psychology for Language Learning: Insights from Research, Theory and Practice

Qualitative Inquiry in TESOL

The Mature Student's Guide to Writing

The Cultural Study of Yiddish in Early Modern Europe

English Syntax and Argumentation

Professional Encounters in TESOL: Discourses of Teachers in Teaching

Translators, Interpreters, and Cultural Negotiators: Mediating and Communicating Power from the Middle Ages to the Modern Era

Emotion Talk Across Corpora

Lexical Diversity and Language Development: Quantification and Assessment

The Discursive Construction of History: Remembering the Wehrmacht's War of Annihilation

Advertising as Multilingual Communication

Men and Masculinities in Global English Language Teaching

Stalin on Linguistics and Other Essays

Mastering English Language

Morpho-Lexical Alternation in Noun Formation

Linguistic Fieldwork: A Practical Guide

Researching Vocabulary: A Vocabulary Research Manual

Writing for the Screen: Creative and Critical Approaches (Approaches to Writing)

Qualitative Discourse Analysis in the Social Sciences

The Force of Language

Paradigms of Reading: Relevance Theory and Deconstruction

Program Evaluation in Language Education

Public Service Interpreting: The First Steps

The Author Is Not Dead, Merely Somewhere Else: Creative Writing after Theory