books by collection
Dictionaries & Learning Languages
Doctor and Dentist

Grammar for Grown-ups: Everything you need to know but never learnt in school

Level 6: The Bourne Ultimatum

When Rain Clouds Gather

Level 6: Les Miserables

Level 6: The Beach

Level 6: Misery

Collins Spanish Dictionary: Complete & Unabridged

Jakob der Lugner

Tricolore 5th edition Student Book 2

Business Spanish Dictionary

The Economy of England, 1450-1750 (Opus Books)

Bilingual dictionaries of slang: Word Up! - English-Spanish/Spanish-English

Spanish Idioms

Palabra por Palabra: New Advanced Spanish Vocabulary

Deutsch Als Fremdsprache

Contemporary Spain: A Handbook

MHRA Style Guide. A Handbook for Authors, Editors, and Writers of Theses. Second Edition.

The New Psychology of Language: Cognitive and Functional Approaches to Language Structure, Volume II

Rehabilitation of Spoken Word Production in Aphasia: A Special Issue of Aphasiology

Profiling Linguistic Disability

Linguistic Investigations of Aphasia

Language and Speech

A University Grammar of English

Neuropsycholinguistic Perspectives on Language Cognition: Essays in honour of Jean-Luc Nespoulous

Collins Official Scrabble Words: The official, comprehensive wordlist for Scrabble (TM)

The Essentials of G.C.S.E. French: 2003 Exam Onwards (School Revision Guide)

Bloomsbury Dictionary of Popular Phrases
New Hotline Elementary