books by collection
University - Arts

Shelter Cats

All That Jazz: The Illustrated Story of Jazz Music
Beethoven His Spiritual Development

Baroque Concerto

PLAYS ONE: 'The Voysey Inheritance' (1934 revision); 'Waste' (1926 revision); 'The Secret Life'; 'Rococo'; 'Vote by Ballot'

Mercy Ward

Select Editions
English dramatic theories: 20th century

History Topic Books: Life in Victorian Britain: Victorians At Play (Paperback) (EXPLORE HISTORY)
Prometheus bound and Prometheus unbound

Mary'S Precious Boy

Clone: The Road to Dolly and the Path Ahead (Allen Lane Science S.)

Help I Can't Draw: Bk. 4: Pictorial Workbook of the Bible (Help I Can't Draw: Pictorial Workbook of the Bible)

Gender, Race and Class in Media: A Text-Reader

A Rich and Rare Land: Irish Poetry and Paintings

Black Women, Writing and Identity: Migrations of the Subject

Images for the End of the Century: Photomontage Equations

Complete Songs from the Plays (Thrift Editions)

Victorian Watercolours:Rural Life

The Conduct Of Life

Michelangelo Drawings: Closer to the Master

The Story of India

Shadow Puppet Book

Selected Poems 1923-1967 (Twentieth Century Classics S.)

Cowardice: A Brief History