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University - Environmental Sciences

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Green Pages

By Button, John

Mac Ency Butterflies & Moths (Macdonald encyclopedias)

By Triberti, Paola, etc.

Concise encyclopaedia of geography

The Coral Island (De Luxe Classics S.)

By Ballantyne, R. M., Bown, Derick

The Arbornaut: A Life Discovering the Eighth Continent in the Trees Above Us

By Meg Lowman, Lowman, Dr Meg, Earle, Sylvia A

The Last Place on Earth (Exploration): Scott and Amundsen's Race to the South Pole, Revised and Updated

By Huntford, Roland

Almost Like A Whale: The Origin of Species Updated

By Jones, Steve

Pollution of the North Sea: An Assessment

By Salomons, W., Duursma, E. K., Bayne, B. L., Forstner, U.

Numerical Geology: A Source Guide, Glossary, Selective Bibliography to Geological Uses Computers and Statistics (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences)

By Rock, Nathaniel Max

Marine Mesocosms: Biological and Chemical Research in Experimental Ecosystems

By Grice, G.D., Reeve, M.R.

Building a Sustainable Society (A Worldwatch Institute book)

By Brown, LR

Life as a Geological Force: Dynamics of the Earth (The Commonwealth Fund Book Programme series)

By Westbroek, Peter.

Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil (Norton Paperback)

By Goodstein, David

Earth: Portrait of a Planet

By Marshak, Stephen

National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees

By Elbert Luther Little, Sonja Bullaty, Angelo Lomeo


By Stanley Chernicoff

Rivers (Sources and methods in geography)

By Petts, Geoff E.

Sediments (Sources and methods in geography)

By Briggs, D. J.

Metamorphism: Study of the Transformation of Rock Masses

By F.R.S. Harker

Vegetation Dynamics (Outline Studies in Ecology)

By J. Miles

Island Ecology (Powder Technology Series) (Outline Studies in Ecology)

By M. Gorman

Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics (Science Paperbacks)

By John Conrad Jaeger, Neville George Wood Cook

Environmental Science Methods

By Haynes, Robin

Insect Herbivory (Outline Studies in Ecology)

By I. Hodkinson

Modelling (Outline Studies in Ecology)

By J. N. Jeffers

Stream Ecology: Structure and Function of Running Waters: The Structure and Function of Running Waters

By Allan, J.D.

Holmes' Principles of Physical Geology

By Duff, P. McL. D., Holmes, Arthur

Environmental Systems: An introductory text

By White, I.D.

Invertebrate Palaeontology and Evolution

By Clarkson, E. N.

Elements of Dynamic Oceanography

By Tolmazin, D.