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University - History and Politics

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The White Ship: Conquest, Anarchy and the Wrecking of Henry I’s Dream

By Spencer, Charles

The Pendulum Years: Britain in the Sixties

By Levin, Bernard

The Alexiad of Anna Comnena

By Anna Comnena

English Heritage Book of Viking Age England (English Heritage S.)

By Richards, J.D.

The Party That Came Out of the Cold War: The Party of Democratic Socialism in United Germany

By Oswald, Franz, Unknown

European Union Law (Nutshells S.)

By Walters, Kathie, Cuthbert, Mike

The Illustrated History of the World: From the Big Bang to the Third Millennium

By Grant, Neil, Isenman, Lisa, Martell, Hazel Mary, McRae, Lynn, Malam, John, Pollard, Michael, Morris, Ravaglia, Paola, Cantuci, Alessandro, Morandi, Andrea, Fabbrucci, Fabiano, Giampaia, Sauro, Stalio, Ivan

The Penguin Dictionary of Classical Mythology (Penguin Dictionary)

By Pierre Grimal, Stephen Kershaw, A Maxwell-Hyslop

Who Lost Russia?: How the World Entered a New Cold War

By Conradi, Peter

Britannica Book of the Year 1989

By Britannica

Britannica Book of the Year 1991

By Britannica

Britannica Book of the Year 1988

By Britannica

The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade

By Feinstein, Andrew

The Book of a Thousand Prayers

By Ashwin, Angela

The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation (Perennial Classics)

By Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich

Freedom For Sale: How We Made Money and Lost Our Liberty

By Kampfner, John

The Leaderless Revolution: How Ordinary People Can Take Power and Change Politics in the 21st Century

By Carne Ross

Dictionary of British Social History

By Cowie, Leonard W.

Wales and the Wars of the Roses

By Evans, H. T.

A Battlefield Atlas of the English Civil War

By Baker, Anthony.

The First Team: Pacific Naval Air Combat from Pearl Harbor to Midway

By Lundstrom, John B.

The Flying Navy

By Richard E. Gardner

HMS Leviathan

By John Winton

Monarchs, Murders and Mistresses: A Book of Royal Days

By Hilliam, David

Mountaineer Sabres: A Pictorial History 167th Fighter Squadron West Va. Air National Guard, 1955-1961

By Smith, Jack A.

USN Aircraft Carrier Air Units, Volume 1: 1946-1956 - Specials series (6160): v. 1

By Duane A. Kasulka

The Manhattan Project: Big Science and the Atom Bomb (Revolutions in Science S.)

By Hughes, Jeff

The Holocaust and the Christian World

By Smith, Steven, Rittner, Carol Ann, Steinfeldt, Irena

Die keltische Urbevölkerung Deutschlands.

By Wilhelm, Krausse

Wings Over Westgate

By Geoffrey Williams