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University - History and Politics

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The Story of Camberwell

By Mary Boast

The Story of Peckham and Nunhead: No. 3 (London Borough of Southwark Neighbourhood Histories)

By Beasley, John D.

The Los Angeles Barrio, 1850-1890: A Social History

By Griswold Del Castillo, Richard

East Dulwich: An Illustrated Alphabetical Guide

By Beasley, John D.

Rebirth of a Nation: A History of Modern Wales 1880-1980

By Morgan, Kenneth O.

A Brief History of the Samurai (Brief Histories): A new history of the Warrior Elite

By Jonathan Clements

Our Mothers' Land: Chapters in Welsh Women's History, 1830-1939 (Gender Studies in Wales)

By Angela V. John

South East: 1 (The Streets of London The Booth Notebooks)

By Steele, J.

Taking Stock of Bonhoeffer: Studies in Biblical Interpretation and Ethics

By Plant, Stephen J.

Makers of Modern World Subscription: Benes and Masaryk: Czechoslovakia (Makers of the Modern World): The Peace Conferences of 1919-23 and Their Aftermath

By Peter Neville

The Beulah Spa 1831-1856 A New History

By Shields, Chris

German Airborne Divisions: Mediterranean Theatre 1942-45: No. 15 (Battle Orders)

By Quarrie, Bruce

The French Revolution (Phoenix Giants S.)

By Rude, George

Windsor Castle: The Official Illustrated History

By John Martin Robinson

1983 Britannica Book of the Year Edition: Reprint

By Daphne Daume (Editor), Britannica

Worth Dying For: The Power and Politics of Flags

By Tim Marshall

What Might Have Been?: Leading Historians on Twelve 'What Ifs' of History: Imaginary History from Twelve Leading Historians

By Roberts, Introduced and Edited by Andrew

The Cold War: A Military History

By Miller, David

Introduction to American Government

By Levine, Erwin L., Cornwell, Elmer E.

The Tapestry Story : Celebrating 150 Years of the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

By Dunstan, Keith

The Pacific (The Official HBO/Sky TV Tie-In)

By Ambrose, Hugh

Thing seen in Rome

By N/A

Gender Issues in Clinical Psychology

By Nicolson, Paula, Ussher, Jane

Gimson’s Kings and Queens: Brief Lives of the Forty Monarchs since 1066

By Gimson, Andrew

Britannica Book of the Year 1956 Events of 1955

By Unidentified Author

Britannica Book of the Year 1955 Events of 1954

By Unidentified Author

A2 Chemistry OCR Unit 2814: Chains, Rings and Spectroscopy Unit Guide (A2 Chemistry OCR: Chains, Rings and Spectroscopy)

By Smith, Mike

Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs

By Chomsky, Noam

Above All, Courage: First-Hand Accounts from the Falklands Front Line

By Arthur, Max

The Fight For the 'Malvinas': The Argentine Forces in the Falklands War

By Middlebrook, Martin