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University - History and Politics

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Dividing Africa with Policy: The Influence of the Union for the Mediterranean on the Unity and Security of Africa: 14 (Library of Public Policy and Public Administration, 14)

By Hierro, Lara

Muslim Reformism - A Critical History: Is Islamic Religious Reform Possible?: 11 (Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations, 11)

By Haddad, Mohamed

Minorities and Populism – Critical Perspectives from South Asia and Europe: 10 (Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations, 10)

By Kaul, Volker, Vajpeyi, Ananya

Political Liberalism, Confucianism, and the Future of Democracy in East Asia: 12 (Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations, 12)

By Li, Zhuoyao

Identity and the Difficulty of Emancipation: 13 (Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations, 13)

By Kaul, Volker

The Genius of Archimedes -- 23 Centuries of Influence on Mathematics, Science and Engineering: Proceedings of an International Conference held at ... of Mechanism and Machine Science, 11)

By Paipetis, S. A., Ceccarelli, Marco

An Introduction to Zooarchaeology

By Gifford-Gonzalez, Diane

CEMAF as a Census Method: A Proposal for a Re-Designed Census and An Independent U.S. Census Bureau: 1 (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies)

By Swanson, David A., Walashek, Paula J.

Responding to Immigrants' Settlement Needs: The Canadian Experience (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies)

By Vineberg, Robert

Generative Mechanisms Transforming the Social Order (Social Morphogenesis)

By Archer, Margaret S.

Justice, Education and the Politics of Childhood

By Johannes Drerup / Gunter Graf / Christopher Schickhardt / Gofftfried Schweiger

Young People's Perceptions of Europe in a Time of Change: IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 European Report

By Losito, Bruno, Agrusti, Gabriella, Damiani, Valeria, Schulz, Wolfram

Becoming Citizens in a Changing World: IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 International Report

By Schulz, Wolfram, Ainley, John, Fraillon, Julian, Losito, Bruno, Agrusti, Gabriella, Friedman, Tim

Human Rights in Turkey: Assaults on Human Dignity: 15 (Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations, 15)

By Aydin, Hasan, Langley, Winston

Between the Devil and the Deep: Meeting Challenges in the Public Interpretation of Maritime Cultural Heritage: 5 (When the Land Meets the Sea, 5)

By Scott-Ireton, Della A.

Knowing Democracy – A Pragmatist Account of the Epistemic Dimension in Democratic Politics: 14 (Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations, 14)

By Raber, Michael I.

Purposeful Pain: The Bioarchaeology of Intentional Suffering (Bioarchaeology and Social Theory)

By Sheridan, Susan Guise, Gregoricka, Lesley A.

Psychology, Religion, and the Nature of the Soul: A Historical Entanglement: 0 (Library of the History of Psychological Theories)

By Richards, Graham

The Right to Privacy: Volume 17, Part 2: 17.2 (Social Philosophy and Policy)

By Paul, Ellen

People, Population Change and Policies: Lessons from the Population Policy Acceptance Study Vol. 1: Family Change: 16/1 (European Studies of Population, 16/1)

By Hohn, Charlotte, Avramov, Dragana, Kotowska, Irena E.

Africa's Population: In Search of a Demographic Dividend

By Groth, Hans, May, John F.

A Neuro-Psychoanalytical Dialogue for Bridging Freud and the Neurosciences

By Weigel, Sigrid, Scharbert, Gerhard

Privacy: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

By Wacks, Raymond

Lexington (Images of America (Arcadia Publishing))

By Ritenour Stevens, Sharon, Trump Williams, Alice, Rockbridge Historical Society

New and Old Routes of Portuguese Emigration: Uncertain Futures at the Periphery of Europe (IMISCOE Research Series)

By Pereira, Claudia, Azevedo, Joana

Britannica Book of the Year 1961

By Unidentified Author

The Happiness Industry: How the Government and Big Business Sold us Well-Being

By William Davies

Hermeneutics, History and Memory

By Gardner, Philip

How To Read Marx

By Osborne, Peter

Ethnic Boundary Making: Institutions, Power, Networks (Oxford Studies In Culture And Politics)

By Wimmer, Andreas