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University - History and Politics

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The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World (Norton Paperback)

By Shlaim, Avi

End of Zionism and the Liberation of the Jewish People

By Eibie Weizfeld

Wagnerism in European Culture and Politics

By Large, David Clay, Weber, WILLIAM

The Italians and the Holocaust: Persecution, Rescue and Survival

By Zuccotti, Susan

The Mind of Adolf Hitler

By Langer, Walter

The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities

By Flapan, Simha

Politics and Society in Modern Israel: Myths and Realities

By Garfinkle, Adam

The Land Beyond Promise: Israel, Likud and the Zionist Dream

By Shindler, Professor of Israeli Studies Colin

The Controversy of Zion: Jewish Nationalism, the Jewish State, and the Unresolved Jewish Dilemma

By Wheatcroft, Geoffrey

Lords of the Land: The War for Israel's Settlements in the Occupied Territories: The War for Israel's Settlements in the Occupied Territories 1967-2007

By Idith Zertal, Akiva Eldar

America's "War on Terrorism"


The Nazi Years: A Documentary History

By Remak, Joachim

An introduction to National Socialism, 1920-1939 (Merrill's economic systems series)

By Knauerhase, Ramon

Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It?

By Shermer, Michael

Anti-Americanism in Europe (Hoover Inst Press Publication): A Cultural Problem

By Berman, Russell A

Civilization and its Enemies

By Lee Harris

Understanding Anti-Americanism: Its Origins and Impact at Home and Abroad: Its Orgins and Impact at Home and Abroad

By Hollander, Paul


By Stelzer, Irwin

America Against the World: How We Are Different And Why We Are Disliked

By Kohut, Andrew, Stokes, Bruce

The Neoconservative Mind: Politics, Culture and the War of Ideology (Mapping Racisms)

By Dorrien, Gary J.

America Alone: The Neo-Conservatives and the Global Order

By Halper, Stefan, Clarke, Jonathan

The Essential Neoconservative Reader

By Mark Gerson

Rogue Nation: American Unilateralism And The Failure Of Good Intentions

By Prestowitz, Clyde V.

Resurrecting Empire: America and the Western Adventure in the Middle East

By Khalidi, Rashid

Why They Don't Hate Us: Lifting the Veil on the "Axis of Evil": Lifting the Veil on the Axis of Evil

By Mark LeVine

God's Crucible: Islam and the Making of Europe, 570-1215

By Lewis, David Levering

The Neoconservative Revolution: Jewish Intellectuals and the Shaping of Public Policy

By Friedman, Murray

The Neocon Reader

By Stelzer, Irwin M

The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America, Since 1945

By Nash, George H

The Neoconservative Vision: From the Cold War to the Culture Wars

By Gerson, Mark