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University - History and Politics

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A Short History of Modern Egypt

By Marsot, Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid

The World of Athens: An Introduction to Classical Athenian Culture

By Joint Association Of Classical Teachers

The Dark Side of the Landscape: The Rural Poor in English Painting 1730-1840

By Barrell, John

Empire and Emperors: Selections from Tacitus' Annals (Translations from Greek and Roman Authors)

By Tacitus, Graham

Egypt in the Reign of Muhammad Ali: 4 (Cambridge Middle East Library, Series Number 4)

By Al-Sayyid Marsot, Afaf Lutfi

Civilization in Crisis: Human Prospects in a Changing World

By Camilleri, Joseph

England 1200-1640 (Sources of History)

By Elton, G.R.

Fall of Public Man

By Sennet

Islamic History: A New Interpretation: 002

By Shaban, M. A.

The Past is a Foreign Country

By Lowenthal, David

States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and China

By Skocpol, Theda

Socialism in Provence 1871-1914

By Judt, Tony

Reform and Resistance in the International Order

By Clark, Ian

The Economic History of Britain v1: 1700-1860 v. 1

By Floud, Roderick, McCloskey, D. N.

Political Communications: The General Election Campaign of 1983

By Ivor & Martin Harrop (edits). Crewe

The Great Church in Captivity: A Study of the Patriarchate of Constantinople from the Eve of the Turkish Conquest to the Greek War of Independence

By Runciman, Steven

Charles I (Cambridge Topics in History)

By Daniels, Christopher

Castles from the Air (Cambridge Air Surveys)

By Brown, R. Allen

Prophets of Rebellion: Millenarian Protest Movements against the European Colonial Order (Studies in Comparative World History)

By Adas, Michael

Art and History: Images and Their Meaning (Studies in Interdisciplinary History)

Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900–1900 (Studies in Environment and History)

By Crosby, Alfred W.

The English Reformation Revised

By Haigh

Italy: A Short History

By Hearder, Harry

Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa 1880–1985

By Manning, Patrick

Making Algeria French

By Prochaska, David

Modern Germany 2ed: Society, Economy and Politics in the Twentieth Century

By Berghahn, V. R.

The Emperor Romanus Lecapenus and his Reign: A Study of Tenth-Century Byzantium (Cambridge Paperback Library)

By Runciman, Steven

Locke: Two Treatises of Government Student edition (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)

By John Locke, Peter Laslett

Puritans and Roundheads: The Harleys of Brampton Bryan and the Outbreak of the English Civil War (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History)

By Jacqueline Eales

The Invisible State: The Formation of the Australian State

By Davidson, Alastair