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University - History and Politics

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Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents: The Politics of Leadership from Roosevelt to Reagan

By Neustadt, Richard E.

Crow Indians

By Lowie, Robert H.

As the Kid Goes for Broke

By Trudeau, G. B.

Holt Elements of Literature: Student Edition Grade 11 2000

By Probst, Holt Rinehart and Winston

Soviet Union and the Third World: An Economic Bind (Studies of the Harriman Institute)

By Valkenier, Elizabeth Kridl

Colonial American Writing (Rinehart editions)

By Pearce, Roy Harvey

Understanding Industrial Relations

By Farnham, Daniel, Pimlott, John

Plato Today.

By Crossman, R H S:

Social Principles and the Democratic State

By Benn, Stanley I., Peters, R. S.

A Third World Proletariat? (Controversies in sociology)

By Lloyd, Peter

Sovereign Individuals of Capitalism

By Nicholas Abercrombie

Ideology and Politics

By Seliger, Martin

John Stuart Mill

By Halliday, R.J.

British System of Government

By Birch, A.H.

Community of States: Study in International Political Theory

By Mayall, James

Opinions, Publics and Pressure Groups (Study in Political Science)

By Graeme C. Moodie, Gerald Studdert-Kennedy

Equality (U.Books)

By Tawney, R. H.

From National Development to Global Community

By Merritt, Richard L., Russett, Bruce M.

Western Europe and the United States: The Uncertain Alliance (Studies on contemporary Europe (CSEPS))

By Smith, Michael

Traditionalism, Conservatism and British Political Culture

By Bob Jessop

Khrushchev and Brezhnev as Leaders: Building Authority in Soviet Politics

By Breslauer, George W.

Freedom and Necessity: Introduction to the Study of Society

By Robinson, Joan

Labour: Unions and the Party (Ruskin House Series in Trade Union Studies)

By Simpson, Bill

First Shop Stewards' Movement (Studies in social history)

By Hinton, James

Roads to Freedom

By Russell, Bertrand

The Economics of Feasible Socialism

By Nove, Alec

British Budgets in Peace and War, 1932-45

By Sabine, B.E.V.

Style in Administration: Readings in British Public Administration (Royal Institute of Public Administration S.)

By Chapman, Prof. Richard A., Dunsire, A.

The Changing Civil Service

By Fry, Geoffrey K.

Inspectorates in British Government

By Rhodes, Gerald