books by collection
University - Law
Q&A Medical Law 2013-2014 (Questions and Answers)
Law of Employment
Labour Law in Britain
Labour Law: Text and Materials (Law in Context S.)
EU Law Concentrate Law Revision and Study Guide 4/e
Blackstone's EU Treaties & Legislation 2014-2015 (Blackstone's Statute Series)
The Law of Trusts 9/e (Core Texts Series)
Wills and Probate
A Practitioner's Guide to the EC-Turkey Association Agreement
Guild: the Legalframework and Social
An Introduction to English Legal History
Atiyah's Accidents, Compensation and the Law (Law in Context)
Industrial Relations Act 1988: Incorporating all amendments by legislation made to 31 March 1994
Sweet & Maxwell's EU Law Statutes 2004/05
Cases and Materials on EU Law (Cases & Materials S.)
Hepple, Howarth and Matthews' Tort: Cases & Materials: Cases and Materials
Sweet & Maxwell's Contract, Tort & Restitution Statutes 2004/05
The Law of Trusts (Core Text Series)
Complete EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials
Land Law Directions 4/e (Directions series)
Unlocking the English Legal System (Unlocking the Law)
Q&A Constitutional & Administrative Law 2013-2014 (Questions and Answers)
The Children (Scotland) Act, 1995 (Green's Annotated Acts)
Card & James' Business Law
Compensation For Criminal Injuries
Mental Health Act Manual
Advanced Introduction to International Conflict and Security Law (Elgar Advanced Introductions Series)
The Roman Law of Property and Obligations
Legal Studies