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University - Religion & Philosophy

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The Making of the Creeds

By Young, Frances Margaret

A Rabbi's Bible

By Magonet, Jonathan

History and the Triune God

By Moltmann, Jurgen

Modern Esoteric Spirituality (World spirituality series)

By Faivre, Antoine, Needleman, Jacob

How to Read the Prophets

By Prevost, Jean-Pierre, Bowden, John, Lydamore, Margaret

A Dignified Dying

By Kung, Hans, Jens, Walter, Bowden, John

Not Angels but Agencies: The Ecumenical Response to Poverty - A Primer: 69 (Risk Book Series)

By Taylor, Michael

Notorious Voices: Feminist Biblcal Interpretation, 1500-1920

By Selvidge, Marla J.

Preaching as Theatre

By Gilmore, Alec

Paul Between Damascus and Antioch: The Unknown Years

By Hengel, Martin, Schwermer, Anna Maria, Bowden, John

Gustavo Gutierrez: Essential Writings

By Gutierrez, Gustavo, Nickoloff, James B.

The Moral Case Against Religious Belief

By Sharpe, R. A.

In Search of Personality: Christianity and Modern Psychology

By Peter Morea

Mysterious Messengers: Course on Hebrew Prophecy from Amos Onwards

By Eaton, John

Mr and Mrs Job

By Wolde, Ellen van

The Religion of Being

By Cupitt, Don

The Revelation of Being

By Cupitt, Don

Act of Synod, Act of Folly?

By Furlong, Monica

The New Politics: Catholic Social Teaching for the Twenty-First Century

By Vallely, Paul

Windows on Jesus: Methods in Gospel Exegesis

By Weren, Wim

A Theory of Primitive Christian Religion

By Theissen, Gerd

Rebels and Reformers: Christian Renewal in the Twentieth Century

By Beeson, Trevor

God with Us: Synergy in the Church

By Ruth Page

In the Beginning There Was Darkness: A Blind Person's Conversations with the Bible

By Hull, John M.

Becoming and Being: The Doctrine of God in Charles Hartshorne and Karl Barth

By Gunton, Colin E.

A Short Course in the Philosophy of Religion

By Pattison, George

The Primal Vision (SCM Classics)

By Taylor, John

Dogmatics in Outline (SCM Classics)

By Karl Barth, Barth, Karl, Gunton, Colin E.

Interfaith Encounter: The Twin Tracks of Theology and Dialogue

By Race, Alan

Wilderness Wanderings: Probing Twentieth-Century Theology and Philosophy (Radical Traditions)

By Hauerwas, Stanley