books by collection
University - Religion & Philosophy
The gift of the Holy Spirit
Spirit Baptism
Missing the way

Deuteronomy: New Century Bible (New Century Bible Commentary)
Nadezhda, hope for the Soviet Union
Finding men for Christ
Heroes of faith
The saving life of Christ

Among the Soviet Evangelicals

Darkness Where God is
The trumpet sounds for Britain Volume 3

Be Our Voice: Story of Michael Bourdeaux and Keston College
God in the slums
The trumpet sounds for Britain Vol 1
A Warning to the Nation
World Religions: A Dialogue

Islam and Christian Witness
Why is this night different? A complete guide to passover and the haggada
The old testament prophets
God in the slums
Where is Calvary?
Palestine and the Bible
The status of the church in the Muslim world
Praise, prayer & worship
The songs of John Michael Talbot Vol II
The New Bible dictionary

Islam and Christianity at the Crossroads