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University - Religion & Philosophy

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Christology Revisited

By MacQuarrie, John

On Being a Jewish Christian: Its Blessings and its Problems

By Montefiore, Hugh

Embracing the Mystery: Prayerful Responses to AIDS

By Sebastian Sandys, Michael Mayne

Concilium 192 Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy

By Metz, Johann Baptist, Schillebeeckx, Edward

Mark and Method: New Approaches in Biblical Studies

By Anderson, Janice, O'Brien, Stephen D., Janice Capel, Moore

Catholicism - Study Edition

Models of God: Theology for an Ecological Nuclear Age

By Sallie McFague

Christ, Faith and History: Cambridge Studies in Christology

By Sykes, S. W., Clayton, J. P.

Make All Things New: Stories of Healing, Reconciliation, and Peace: Stories of Healing, Reconciliation, & Peace

By Westerhoff, Caroline A.

Christian Concept of Sacrifice: No. 39. (Fairacres Publications)

By Ramsey, Arthur Michael

Let Your Heart Pray

By Michael J Cunningham

A New Teaching, a New Learning: Guide to Teaching Theology: 25 (Theological Education Fund Guides)

By Collier, Gerald

Youth A Part: Young People and the Church

By Various Authors

Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne (Left Behind)

By LaHaye, Tim F.



Crafted Prayer: The Joy of Always Getting Your Prayers Answered: Pt. 2 (Being with God S.)

By Cooke, Graham

In Pursuit of His Glory: My 25 Years at Westminster Chapel

By Kendall, R.T.

Faith in a Changing Culture: Creating Churches for the Next Century

By Drane, John W.

Conflict Constructive or Destructive?

By Huggett, Joyce, Hope, Sally

Authority: A Christian Interpretation

By Dominian, J.

Charismatic Movement in the Church of England

Towards Civilisation of Love: Being Church in Today's World

By Hume, Basil

Beyond Decline: A Challenge to the Churches

By Gill, Robin


Remembering Jesus: Christian Community, Scripture, and the Moral Life

By Verhey, Allen

Breaking New Ground - Church Planting in the Church of England

By Church of England

Lower Than the Angels: Questions Raised by Genesis I to II

By Phillips, Anthony

The Rainbow of Faiths: Critical Dialogues on Religious Pluralism

By Hick, John

The Epistles to Colossians Philemon (Cambridge Greek Testament Commentaries)

By Moule

Call of the Minaret

By Cragg, Kenneth