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University - Religion & Philosophy

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The Use of the Bible in Preaching

By Fuller, Reginald H., Bible Reading Fellowship

Let the Children Come to Me

By Thomas L Long, Emily F Filippi

Teaching of the Church of England: Following the Thirty Nine Articles

By Proctor, W.C.G.

The Logic of Significance and Context

By Leonard Goddard, Richard Routley

The Languages of Logic

By Guttenplan, Samuel

God Loves (Little Fish)

By Stowell, Gordon

Eyes to See, Ears to Hear: Introduction to Ignatian Spirituality

By Lonsdale, David

Dance to the Music of the Spirit: Art of Discernment

By Lonsdale, David

The Question of God: An Introduction and Sourcebook

By Palmer, Michael

Eternal Life?: Life After Death as a Medical, Philosophical and Theological Problem

By Hans Kung, Edward Quinn

Christianity: Its Essence and history

By Hans Kung, Kung, Hans, Bowden, John

Where is God at Work?

By William Morris

Come to the Feast: A Companion to Holy Communion

By Kershaw, Simon, Nichols, Bridget, Ambrose, Gill

Rooted in Love: Lent Reflections on Life in Christ

By Mullally, Rt Revd Sarah

We Need One Another: Responding to God's Call to Live Together

By Vanier, Jean

Coming In: Gays and Lesbians Reclaiming the Spiritual Journey

By Urs Mattmann

Soul Friend: An Invitation to Spiritual Direction

By Leech, Kenneth

The Twilight Of Atheism

By Mcgrath, Alister

Philosophy of Natural Science

By Carl Hempel

A People's Life of Christ

By J Paterson Smyth

I Wish He Was Black: Story of Trevor Huddleston

By Roger J Owen

Rediscovering the Teaching of Jesus

By Norman Perrin

Quiet places with Jesus

By Isaias Powers

The Johannine Epistles

By C H Dodd

The Life and Ministry of Jesus

By Vincent Taylor

The Formation of the Gospel tradition

By Vincent Taylor

The Cross of Christ

By Vincent Taylor

The Gospel according to St Mark

By Vincent Taylor

The Gospel according to St Matthew

By Alan Hugh M'Neile

St John's Gospel - A commentary

By R H Lightfood