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University - Social Sciences, Psychology & Education

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Learning to Teach in the Primary School (Learning to Teach in the Primary School Series)

By James Arthur, Teresa Grainger, David Wray

Effective Teaching: Evidence and Practice

By Daniel Muijs, David Reynolds

Talk, Thinking and Philosophy in the Primary Classroom

By John Smith

Behaviour for Learning in the Primary School

By Kate Adams

Action Research: Principles and Practice

By Jean McNiff (Educational Consultant, UK)

Ways of Learning: Learning Theories and Learning Styles in the Classroom

By Pritchard, Alan

Inspiring Primary Teaching

By Denis Hayes

The Media and Communications Industry (Global Industries Uncovered)

By Wilson, Rosie

Primary Initial Teacher Training and Education: Revised Standards, Bright Future?: NaPTEC

By Neil Simco, Tatiana Wilson

Ase Guide to Primary Science Education

By Sherington, Rosemary

Primary Science: Teaching Theory and Practice

By John Sharp, Graham A Peacock, Rob Johnsey, Shirley Simon, Robin James Smith

Primary Science: Knowledge and Understanding (Achieving QTS Series)

By Sharp, John, Johnsey, Rob, Peacock, Graham A, Wright, Debbie

Critical Thinking Skills for Education Students (Study Skills in Education Series)

By Judge, Brenda, McCreery, Elaine, Jones, Patrick

Learning and Teaching in Primary Schools (Achieving QTS Series)

By Hayes, Denis

50 Q and A on Family Health and Welfare Issues

By Jacqueline Blackett

A Guide to the National Curriculum

By Bob Moon

Primary Special Needs and the National Curriculum

By Lewis, Ann

Environmental Science in the Primary Curriculum

By Jos Elstgeest, Wynne Harlen, OBE

Primary Professional Studies (Transforming Primary QTS) (Transforming Primary QTS Series)

By Alice Hansen, Alice Hansen

Dyslexia in the Primary Classroom

By Wendy Hall

Thinking Through Pedagogy for Primary and Early Years: 1665 (Thinking Through Education Series)

By Eaude, Tony

Primary Schools: Some Aspects of Good Practice

By Education & Science, Dept.of

Primary Science: Knowledge and Understanding

By Rob Johnsey, Graham A Peacock, John Sharp, Debbie Wright

The Quest for Enlightenment

Flag on the Mountain: A Political Anthropology of War in Croatia and Bosnia

By Ivo Zanic

Music in the Primary School

By Janet Mills

Learning from Objects: A Teacher's Guide (Education on Site)

By Durbin, Gail, Morris, Susan, Wilkinson, Sue, Corbishley, Mike

One Small Step: Understanding the Science of Environmental Issues: A Research-Based Guide for Primary and Non-Specialist Secondary Teacher Education

By Mike Summers, Colin Kruger

Naigs - Primary Science Self-Review

Letts QTS – QTS: Teaching Science in Primary Schools: A Handbook of Lesson Plans, Knowledge and Teaching Methods (QTS S.)

By Peacock, Graham