books by publisher
1517 Media; Fortress Press
Jesus and the Quest for Meaning: Entering Theology
Texts under Negotiation: The Bible and Postmodern Imagination
Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible
Preaching Mark (Fortress Resources for Preaching)
Mark and Method: New Approaches in Biblical Studies
Tracks in the Straw: Tales Spun from the Manger
When Violence Is No Stranger: Pastoral Counseling with Survivors of Acquaintance Rape
Matthew as Story: Second Edition
The Old Testament: An Introduction
The Rise of Christian Beliefs: The Thought-World of Early Christians
The Meaning and End of Religion
Postmodernity and Univocity: A Critical Account of Radical Orthodoxy and John Duns Scotus
Preaching as Local Theology and Folk Art (Fortress Resources for Preaching)
Homosexuality and the Bible: Two Views
Homosexuality and Christian Faith: Questions of Conscience for the Churches
Spiritual Care
Fortress Introduction to Contemporary Theologies (Fortress Introductions)
A Short History of Christian Doctrine: From the First Century to the Present
Fundamentals of Preaching: Second Edition
The Freedom of a Christian: Luther Study Edition
Spirituality of the Psalms (Facets)
Isaiah 1 - 12: Continental Commentaries
Matthew 8-20: A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew (Hermeneia)