books by publisher
A & C Black Publishers Ltd

Matthew's Goals


Junior Athletics for Playground and Field

Rome and Environs

Practical Fitness Testing: Analysis in Exercise and Sport

Northern Italy: From the Alps to Rome

English Costume: v. 7: English Children's Costume

Writing for Television

Down to Earth: The Story of Gravity

Writing for a Living

What's it Like to be a Magazine Editor?



Eating Out En Francais: More Than 2,000 Food and Wine Terms in English and French Plus Mini-phrasebook and Guide to Wine Regions

How to be A Brilliant Writer

Abracadabra Clarinet: The Way to Learn Through Songs and Tunes

Gardens: their hidden life: Unnoticed plants and unseen animals

Tips and Shortcuts for Jewellery Making

Materials: Physical Science

Energy: Physical Science

The School for Scandal

100 Must-read Prize-Winning Novels: Discover your next great read...

Wildlife Walks: Great days out at over 500 of the UK's top nature reserves

Small Steps

The Book of Shells

Surfaces and Textures: A Visual Sourcebook


Stitched Textile Collage: Innovative Designs for Textured Surfaces