books by publisher
ABNDP - Abingdon Press

Leading Women: How Church Women Can Avoid Leadership Traps and Negotiate the Gender Maze

Story Journey: An Invitation to the Gospel as Storytelling

The Pastor and the Patient: A Practical Guidebook for Hospital Visitation

Christian Worship and Technological Change

Principles and Practice of Preaching

John Wesley's Sermons: An Introduction

How to Preach a Parable: Designs for Narrative Sermons (Abingdon Preacher's Library Series)

This Gift of Water: The Practice and Theology of Baptism Among Methodists in America

Pastoral Leadership: A Handbook of Resources for Effective Congregational Leadership

Contemporary Approaches to Christian Education

Thus Says the Lord: The Message of the Prophets

Theological Approaches to Christian Education

Dancing with Dinosaurs: Ministry in a Hostile & Hurting World: Ministry in a Hostile and Hurting World

Pastoral Ethics: Professional Responsibilities of the Clergy

Pastoral Care and Social Conflict: Essays in Honor of Charles V. Gerkin

A New Handbook of Christian Theologians