books by publisher
Academic Press

Dendritic Cells: Biology and Clinical Applications

Molecular Biology

Understanding Molecular Simulation: From Algorithms to Applications (Computational Science)
Table of Integrals, Series, and Products
Magnetism vol.I

The Variation Method in Quantum Chemistry
Introduction to Experimental Ecology
The Biological Significance of climatic changes in Britain
Emulsion Science
Linear Algebra
Introduction to a Submolecular Biology

Building Automated Trading Systems: With an Introduction to Visual C++.NET 2005 (Financial Market Technology)

Handbook of Networking & Connectivity

Multi-Asset Risk Modeling: Techniques for a Global Economy in an Electronic and Algorithmic Trading Era
Nadia: A Case of Extraordinary Drawing Ability in an Autistic Child
Introduction to Experimental Ecology

Current Topics in Developmental Biology: Volume 39

Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault: A Forensic Handbook

The Computer Modelling of Mathematical Reasoning

Control of Human Parasitic Diseases: Volume 61 (Advances in Parasitology)

The Biological Clock: Two Views

Creatine and Creatine Phosphate: Scientific and Clinical Perspectives

Control of Human Parasitic Diseases (Advances in Parasitology): Volume 61

Advances in Computers, Volume 79
Goat Production

Genomics in Cancer Drug Discovery and Development (Advances in Cancer Research): Volume 96
Space through the Ages

Bacteriophages, Part B: 83 (Advances in Virus Research): Volume 83