books by publisher
Ace Books

Hunting Ground: 2 (Alpha and Omega)

The Knight and Knave of Swords

The Anubis Gates (Ace Science Fiction)


Feminine Fix-It Handbook

The Best from Galaxy Volume 4

The Weapon Shops of Isher

Rocannon's World

Blue Moon (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter)

From Dead to Worse: 8 (Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood)
The crossroads of time
Past master
The two-timers
Ship of strangers

Unshapely Things

Unquiet Dreams

Unfallen Dead (Connor Grey)

The Star Spangled Future

Carlucci's Heart

Club Dead

The Lion Game

Sargasso of Space

Quicksilver's Knight

Dune: 1: Frank Herbert

Dune Messiah: Vol 2 (The dune saga)

Children of Dune (Dune Chronicles (Berkley Paperback))

Doomwyte (Redwall)

Rogue Clone

Stranger in a Strange Land