books by publisher
Adamant Media Corporation

The Works of Oscar Wilde: Volume 6: An Ideal Husband. A Play

The History of Drink: A review, social, scientific, and political

Popular Music of the Olden Time: The Whole of the Airs Harmonized by G. A. Macfarren. Volume 1

Studies in Humanism

Children of the Ghetto: A Study of a Peculiar People

Surveying: As Practised by Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Including the Setting-Out of Works for Construction and Surveys Abroad, with Examples Taken from Actual Practice

The Book of Perfumes


Journal of a Deputation Sent to the East by the Committee of the Malta Protestant College, in 1849

Warwick the King-Maker

The Golden Bowl

Traité d'algèbre: Première partie à l'usage des classes de mathématiques élémentaires

Higher Algebra: a Sequel to Elementary Algebra for Schools

Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges: Founded on Comparative Grammar