books by publisher
Adlard Coles Nautical

Uphill All the Way: Crew Member's Inside Story of the BT Global Challenge

The Complete Day Skipper: Skippering with Confidence Right from the Start

Britain's Canals: Exploring their Architectural and Engineering Wonders

Basic Coastal Navigation

Cruising French Waterways

How to Design a Boat (Sailmate)

The Sailing Bible: The Complete Guide for All Sailors from Novice to Experienced Skipper

Handbook of Offshore Cruising

Sell Up and Sail: Taking the Ulysses Option (Sailmate)

When the Crew Matter Most

Getting Afloat

Swatchways and Little Ships

VHF Yachtmaster Pass Your Exam The Easy Way

Through the German Waterways (Travel)

Through the French Canals

Through the Dutch and Belgian Canals

Dinghy Cruising: The Enjoyment of Wandering Afloat

Through the French Canals (Travel)

Modern Rope Seamanship: Synthetic and Natural Fibres

The Adlard Coles Book of Mediterranean Cruising (Adlard Coles Book of)

Heavy Weather Powerboating

Heavy Weather Sailing

Reeds Nautical Almanac 2009

Channel Harbours and Anchorages

Learning to Sail: In Dinghies or Yachts - a No-nonsense Guide for Beginners of All Ages


The New Laser Sailing

Sail for the Mediterranean: How to Prepare for Your Dream Cruise

Marine Conversions