books by publisher

Sense and Respond: The Journey to Customer Purpose

Anti-Semitism: Myth and Hate from Antiquity to the Present

Community Media: International Perspectives

The Future of Leadership Development: Corporate Needs and the Role of Business Schools (IESE Business Collection)

The Legitimization Strategy of the Taliban's Code of Conduct: Through the One-Way Mirror

The Trajectory of Iran's Nuclear Program

Anxieties and Management Responses in International Business (Academy of International Business) (Academy of International Business (UKI) Series)

Science, Religion and the Meaning of Life

An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Latin America, Volume 3: Industrialization and the State in Latin America: The Postwar Years (St Antony"e;s Series)

Working and Caring Over the Twentieth Century: Change and Continuity in Four-Generation Families (Future of Work)

The Future of Parliament: Issues for a New Century

The Rise, Decline and Future of the British Commonwealth

Security, Territory, Population (Michel Foucault: Lectures at the College De France): Lectures at the College de France, 1977-78 (Michel Foucault: Lectures at the Collège de France)

Globalization, Negotiation, and the Failure of Transformation in South Africa

The Turkish Turn in Contemporary German Literature: Toward a New Critical Grammar of Migration (Studies in European Culture and History)

Using History, Making British Policy: The Treasury and the Foreign Office, 1950-76

Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics: Econometric Theory v. 1

Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora: Diachronic Databases v. 2

Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora: Synchronic Databases v. 1: Volume 1: Synchronic Databases

Ted Hughes: A Literary Life (Literary Lives)

Security Communities and Their Neighbours: Regional Fortresses or Global Integrators?

China's Economic Rise and Its Global Impact

Theatre as Voyeurism: The Pleasures of Watching

Headlines from the Holy Land: Reporting the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

European Integration and Industrial Relations: Multi-Level Governance in the Making

China and the Global Economy: National Champions, Industrial Policy and the Big Business Revolution

Women in Non-traditional Occupations: Challenging Men

Constitution-Making and the Labour Party

Wage Labour in Southeast Asia Since 1840: Globalization, the International Division of Labour and Labour Transformations (A Modern Economic History of Southeast Asia)