books by publisher
Allen & Unwin Children's Books

Naughtiest Reindeer at the Zoo

Mr Chicken Lands on London


When Frank Was Four (A little art book)

Tough Stuff: True Stories About Kids and Courage

Sleep Tight, Baboon Bear

Catch Me If You Can!

Tashi and the Forbidden Room: 12

The Shape

Circus Berzerkus

Bibs & Boots (Little Ark Book)

Hector and Maggie

Madeline the Mermaid and Other Fishy Tales

Tashi and the Baba Yaga: 5

Dog Tales

Pirate Trouble for Wiggy and Boa (Little Ark Book)


The Quicksand Pony

Space Camp
The State of the Planet

Right Book, Right Time: 500 great reads for teenagers

Antonio S and the Mystery of Theodore Guzman

The Whole Business with Kiffo and the Pitbull

Horse Crazy!: The Complete Adventures of Bonnie and Sam (Bonnie & Sam)

You Can Draw Anything

Figaro and Rumba and the Crocodile Cafe

My Farm (Paperark)

Tashi: 1