books by publisher
Andre Deutsch Ltd

The Wide-mouthed Frog: A Pop-up Book

Rosie and Jim and the Water Wizard

Letters to Lucy About Oliver the Dog

The First Millennium - The Birth of Christianity to the Crusades (v. 1) (2000 Years)

The Rock Penguins (A first read-alone book)

The Missing Crown (The new adventures of Babar)

Eye Spy Lookalike Book

A Century of Colour Photography

Peter & Dan Snow's Treasures of British History

"Coronation Street": The War Years

Michael Ayrton: A Biography

Cult Heroes

A Guide to Making Decorated Papers
Rosie and Jim and the Rainbow

Winter Treats and Summer Delights

Baroque Concerto

Sultans in Splendour: Last Years of the Ottoman World

Down the Hatch: Further Letters of Denis Thatcher

The Best of Barry Fantoni

Bill Edrich: A Biography

Rainbow Nation Revisited: South Africa's Decade of Democracy

Robbie Williams: Angels and Demons - The Biography

The Green Reader

Lost and Found

Tales from the South China Seas: Images of the British in South East Asia in the Twentieth Century

Manchester United Family Tree

The Photo Competition (Country Companions)

Memories of Eric

Poppy the Puppy's Busy Day (Whizz books)