books by publisher
Architectural Press

Metric Handbook: Planning and Design Data

How Designers Think

Architect's Guide to Paris (Butterworth Architecture Architect's Guides)

Architect's Pocket Book

Cone Penetration Testing: Methods and Interpretation

Pressuremeter Testing: Methods and Interpretation

Comparative Experiments with Field Crops

Kinetics and Dynamics of Elementary Gas Reactions: Butterworths Monographs in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Nuclear Shelters
Seed Production

Structure and Architecture

Banister Fletcher's A History of Architecture

Tony Hunt's Structures Notebook

Basic Theory of Structures

Building for Energy Conservation

Hyperstatic Structures: An Introduction to the Theory of Statically Indeterminate Structures

Practical Electronics Handbook

Theory of Structures: With Matrix Notation

Planting Guide to the Middle East

Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Trees: Studies in the Agricultural and Food Sciences

Physiological Processes Limiting Plant Productivity

Principles and Measurements in Environmental Biology

Chromosome Techniques: Theory and Practice

Structural Steelwork Connections

Quality Management for Building Design

Shops: A Manual of Planning and Design

CAD Principles for Architectural Design

Principles of Perspective

Architect's Guide to London (Butterworth Architecture Architect's Guides)