books by publisher

What to Do When "There's Nothing to Do"

The Jupiter Myth: (Falco 14)

Gulag Rats

Venus In Copper: (Marco Didius Falco: book III): another gripping foray into the crime and corruption of Ancient Rome from bestselling author Lindsey Davis (Falco, 3)

The Ka of Gifford Hillary (A Black Magic Story)


Genesis (Georgia)

Relentless Pursuit

Midshipman Bolitho: "Richard Bolitho – Midshipman" and "Midshipman Bolitho and the Avenger"

Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves: (Jeeves & Wooster)

Doves Of Venus

Primal Fear


The Age of Unreason & The Empty Raincoat WH Smith Traveller's Companion

Flipnosis: The Art of Split-Second Persuasion

The Talisman Ring: Gossip, scandal and an unforgettable Regency romance

The Thief (Quick Read)

11th Hour: (Women's Murder Club 11)

The Never-Ending Summer: The joyful escape we all need right now

The Fifth Column and Four Stories of the Spanish Civil War: Ernest Hemingway

Mallory's Oracle

Darkest Longings

Dark Angel

Keeper Of Genesis

Fugitive Minds: : On Madness, Sleep and Other Twilight Afflictions

The Ultimate Gi Jeans Diet
Sad Wind from the Sea

The Nostradamus Code

Auriel Rising