books by publisher
Artech House Publishers

Understanding GPS Principles and Applications (Mobile Communications Library)

Designing the Networked Enterprises (Technology Management Library)

Introduction to 3g Mobile Communications (Universal Personal Communications Library)

Risk Based e-Business Testing (Computing Library S.)

Systems Bioinformatics: An Engineering Case-Based Approach

Practical Guide to Software Quality Management (Computer Science Library)

Computer Mediated Communications: Multimedia Applications (Artech House Telecommunications Library)

Wireless Communications for Intelligent Transportation Systems (Telecommunications library - IVHS series)

Asynchronous Transfer Mode Networks: Performance Issues, Second Edition (Artech House Telecommunications Library)

Introduction to Electronic Defense Systems (Radar Library)

Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidics (Artech House microelectromechanical systems series)

Wireless: Revolution in Personal Telecommunications: The Revolution in Personal Telecommunications (The Artech House Mobile Communications)

Toll-Free Services: Complete Guide: A Complete Guide to Design, Implementation, and Management (Artech House Telecommunications Library)

Videoconferencing and Videotelephony - Technology and Standards, Second Edition (Artech House Telecommunications Library)

Principles of Digital Audio and Video (Communications Engineering Library)