books by publisher
Arts Council of Great Britain

Under the cover of darkness: Night prints

Bibliography of Arts Council exhibition catalogues 1942-1980

John Sell Cotman 1782-1842: A touring exhibition arranged by the Arts Council of Great Britain : Victoria and Albert Museum, London 11 August-24 ... Art Gallery 18 December 1982-29 January 1983

English Romanesque Art 1066-1200: Exhibition Guide

John Panting, 1940-1974: Sculpture : [an exhibition held] 2-28 September 1975 [at the] Serpentine Gallery, Kensington Gardens, W.2

Degas monotypes: Hayward Gallery, London 15 May-7 July 1985

The Drawings Of Henri Matisse

Michael Andrews : Hayward Gallery London 31 October 1980-11 January 1981 Fruit Market Gallery Edinburgh 24 January-21 February 1981 Whitworth Art Gallery University of Manchester 6 March-20 April 1...

Dreams of a summer night: Scandinavian painting at the turn of the Century [catalogue of an exhibition held at the] : Hayward Gallery, London : 10 July to 5 October 1986

The private Degas

Le Corbusier, architect of the century

British Painting '74,


Edward Hopper 1882-1967: Hayward Gallery, London 11 February to 29 March 1981 : a selection from the exhibition Edward Hopper - the Art and the Artist ... from 16 September 1980 to 25 January 1981

George Fullard, 1923-1973: [catalogue of an exhibition held at the] Serpentine Gallery, Kensington Gardens, London W2, 27 July to 18 August 1974

Late Sickert: Paintings 1927 to 1942 : Hayward Gallery, South Bank, London 18 November 1981 to 31 January 1982, Sainsbury Centre for the Visual Arts, ... Art Gallery 12 April to 22 May 1982

Thirties: British art and design before the war

Sickert: Paintings, Drawings, and Prints of Walter Richard Sickert, 1860-1942 - Catalogue Which Accompanied the 1977-1978 Exhibition

New Poetry 2



Picasso's Picassos: An Exhibition from the Musee Picasso, Paris

The British worker: Photographs of working life, 1839-1939

Giacometti: Sculptures, paintings, drawings : [catalogue of] an Arts Council exhibition [at] Manchester, Whitworth Art Gallery, University of ... Serpentine Gallery, 10 April to 17 May 1981

Henry Moore at the Serpentine: [catalogue of the] 80th birthday exhibition of recent carvings and bronzes, Serpentine Gallery and Kensington Gardens 1 July-8 October 1978

Title: Dada and Surrealism