books by publisher
Ashgate Publishing Limited

Urban Tourism and Development in the Socialist State: Havana During the 'special Period'

Care in the Community: Five Years on - Life in the Community for People with Learning Disabilities

Costing Community Care: Theory and Practice

From Vision to Reality in Community Care

From Vision to Reality in Community Care

A Positive Environment: Physical and Social Influences on People with Senile Dementia in Residential Care

Coping with Violent Behaviour: A Handbook for Social Work Staff

How the Law Thinks About Children

Evaluating in Practice
Learning to Use the Z. X. 81 Computer

Manoeuvring in an Environment of Uncertainty: Structural Change and Social Action in Sub-Saharan Africa

Kenya: The Quest for Prosperity

Mothers, Young People and Chronic Illness

The Business of Leadership: Adding Lasting Value to Your Organization

NATO's Peace Enforcement Tasks and Policy Communities

Urban Retailing Systems: Location, Cognition and Behaviour

Participatory Planning in the Caribbean: Lessons from Practice

Chemical Synonyms and Trade Names


Cooperation at Work: The Mondragon Experience

Farewell to Farms: De-Agrarianisation and Employment in Africa (African Studies Centre S.)

Sex, Gender and Society (Towards a New Society)

Beyond the Black Box: Talk-in-interaction in the Airline Cockpit (Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis)

A Stroke in the Family

Workplace Industrial Relations in Britain: The D.E./P.S.I./S.S.R.C.Survey

A Sociology of English Religion
The Experience of Return Migration: Caribbean Perspectives

Congregational Studies in the UK: Christianity in a Post-Christian Context

Social Work with Mentally Handicapped People