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Ashmolean Museum

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Ark to Ashmolean: Story of the Tradescants, Ashmole and the Ashmolean Museum

By MacGregor, Arthur

Sir John Evans 1823-1908: Antiquity, Commerce and Natural Science in the Age of Darwin

By Arthur MacGregor

Spellbound: Magic, Ritual and Witchcraft

By Sophie Page, Marina Wallace

Samuel Palmer: Paintings and Drawings

By Colin Harrison

Greek Vases

By Michael Vickers

Imagining the Divine: Art and the Rise of World Religions

By Stefanie Lenk, Georgi Parpulov, Jas Elsner

Happy Birthday Edward Lear: 200 Years of Nature and Nonsense

By Anon.

Treasures of the Ashmolean Museum

By Piper, David

Treasures of the Ashmolean Museum

By Piper, David, White, Christopher

The Origins of Museums: The Cabinet of Curiosities in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Europe

By Edited by Arthur Macgregor, Edited by Oliver Impey

Ashmolean: Britain's First Museum

By Ashmolean Museum, Christopher Brown

"Germ", The: Thoughts Towards Nature - The Literary Magazine of the Pre-Raphaelites

Ancient Egypt & Nubia at the Ashmolean

By Liam McNamara and Paul Collins, ...., .....

My Ashmolean Discovery Book

By Honey, Alison

The Alfred Jewel and Other Late Anglo-Saxon Decorated Metalwork (Ashmolean Handbooks S.)

By David Hinton

Watches: in the Ashmolean Museum (Ashmolean Handbook Series)

By David Thompson

Pilgrimage: The Sacred Journey

By Ruth Barnes, Crispin Branfoot

French Drawings and Watercolours: Poussin to Cezanne (Ashmolean Handbooks) (Ashmolean Handbooks S.)

By Jon Whiteley

Camille Pissarro and His Family (Ashmolean Handbooks) (Ashmolean Handbooks S.)

By Anne Thorold, Kristen Erickson

Yuzen Kimono of Moriguchi Kunihiki

By Impey, Oliver

Impressionist and Modern: The Art and Collection of Fritz Gross

By Whistler, Catherine