books by publisher
Avalon Travel Publishing

Love Had a Compass: Journals and Poetry

Rick Steves' Budapest

Moon Florida Gulf Coast

Vancouver Handbook

World Hunger: 12 Myths

Party of One: The Loners' Manifesto

Why Can't You Read My Mind?

Moon South Pacific

Adam Resurrected

Commander of the Exodus

Moon Monterey and Carmel: Including Santa Cruz and Big Sur

Rhinoceros, and Other Plays: Includes: The Leader; The Future Is in Eggs; It Takes All Kinds to Make a World (Evergreen Original, E-259)

"The Bald Soprano", and Other Plays: Bald Soprano/the Lesson/Jack or the Submission/the Chairs

Moon Pacific Mexico

Moon Cuba

Egypt Handbook

Moon California Road Trip: San Francisco, Yosemite, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Los Angeles: San Francisco, Yosemite, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Los Angeles & the Pacific Coast (Moon Handbooks)

Tales of Natural and Unnatural Catastrophes


The Kings and Queens of England and Scotland: An Illustrated History of Britain's Royal Heritage

Mass for Arras (Andrze Szczypiorski)

Offbeat Collaborating with Kerouac

The Notebook: The Proof ; the Third Lie : Three Novels

Rick Steves' Great Britain 2013

The Wretched of the Earth

Black Folktales

The Normal Heart and the Destiny of ME: Two Plays

100 Selected Poems

Eat the Rich: A Treatise on Economics (O'Rourke, P. J.)