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Farm Equipment Innovations in Eastern and Central Southern Africa

By I. Ahmed, W.H. Kinsey

Organizational Design: The Work Levels Approach: The Work Levels Approach

Care in the Community: The First Steps

By J. Renshaw, etc., et al

Survey Research Practice

By Gerald Hoinville, Roger Jowell

Childhood Matters: Social Theory, Practice and Politics

By Jens Qvortrup, etc., Marjatta Bardy (National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health), Giovanni Sgritta (University of Rome, Italy), Helmut Wintersberger (European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Vienna, Austria)

Childhood Matters: Social Theory, Practice and Politics

By Jens Qvortrup, etc., Marjatta Bardy (National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health), Giovanni Sgritta (University of Rome, Italy), Helmut Wintersberger (European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Vienna, Austria)

Capitalism and Apartheid

By Merle Lipton

Political Man: The Social Bases of Politics

By Seymour Martin Lipset

Religious Militancy and Self-assertion: Islam and Politics in Nigeria

By Matthew Hassan Kukha, Toyin Falola, Matthew Hassan Kukah

An Aristocracy in Political Crisis: End of Indirect Rule and the Emergence of Party Politics in the Emirates of Northern Nigeria

By Alhaji Mahmood Yakubu

Class in a Capitalist Society: A Study of Contemporary Britain

By John Westergaard, Henrietta Resler

Ethnic Mobilisation in a Multi-cultural Europe (Research in Ethnic Relations)

By Rex, John, Drury, Beatrice

Preventing Alcohol and Tobacco Problems: v. 2: Manipulating Consumption - Information, Law and Voluntary Controls

By Christine Godfrey, David Robinson

The Politics of Management

By Andrew Kakabadse

Rural Poverty Alleviation: International Development Perspectives

By Joseph Mullen

Regional Studies and Rural Development

By Jos G.M. Hilhorst

Asylum or Aid?

By Kuulman

Taking the Waters

By Johan A VanDijk

Quality Networking in Europe

By Paul Kunst, Jos Lemmink, Ruth Prins

Black Politics in Britain

By Harry Goulbourne

Planning for Basic Needs - A Soft Option or a Solid Policy?: Basic Needs Simulation Model Applied to Kenya

By Rolph Hoeven

Capitalism, Socialism and the Development Crisis in Tanzania

By Norman O'Neill, Kemal Mustafa

Managing Change for Library Support Staff

By Anne Goulding

Remaking the Welfare State: Swedish Urban Planning and Policy-making in the 1990s

By A. Khakee, etc., I. Elander, S. Sunesson (all of the Department of Political Science, University of Umea, Sweden)

Preventing Alcohol and Tobacco Problems: v. 1: The Addiction Market - Consumption, Production and Policy Development

By Alan Maynard, Philip Tether

Conflict Under the Microscope

By Ogley, Roderick

Police and People in London

By Smith, David J., Gray.

The Experience of Work

By Littler, Craig R.

Unemployment in the United Kingdom: Politics and Policies

By Moon, Jeremy, Richardson, J. J.

Survey Methods in Social Investigation

By Moser, Sir Claus, Kalton, Graham