books by publisher
Baptist Union of Great Britain

English Baptist History and Heritage

On the Bridge: A Study Guide for Preachers and Worship Leaders

You and Your Lifestyle: Spiritual Health Check

Church Administration: A Guide for Ministers and Churches

Radical Leaders: Guide for Elders and Deacons in Baptist Churches

Catching the Tide: Church and the Challenge of Today's Society

Safe to Grow: Guidelines on Child Protection for the Local Church and Its Youth Workers

Belonging: Resource for the Christian Family
On Earth as in Heaven: Theology of Social Action for Baptist Churches

Called to be One

Water into Wine: Marriage as God Intended

Travelling Together: A Handbook on Local Ecumenical Partnerships

Countdown to Baptism: The New Testament Teaching on Baptism in Daily Readings
5core values for gospel people

Church Administration: A Study Guide Booklet

Radical Leaders: A Guide for Elders and Deacons in Baptist Churches

Radical Believers: The Baptist Way of Being the Church